preparar piscina

How to prepare your pool for summer

With the arrival of good weather and heat, the desire for summer increases. Especially to make outdoor plans such as spending the day on the beach or in the pool. In today’s article we show you what you must do to have your pool ready with the arrival of good weather.

Spending the day at the pool is one of the most fun and refreshing summer plans. Those who have their own pool can enjoy these activities more easily, but in turn, you are responsible for the maintenance and care that entails. Another possibility is that you are the friend of the one who has a pool (something that in Seville when the heat tightens is very good), and if so, you can also contribute your bit with these tricks.

Water is a means where the reproduction of microorganisms, fungi and bacteria becomes easier and, no one wants to take a dip in a neglected pool. Therefore, to get the most out of it, we bring you the care and cleaning guidelines that should not be lacking when preparing the pool this summer.

Basic cleaning

First, you should brush the walls and the floor with a pool brush to get rid of those algae that have grown during the winter. This way you will also be able to remove the soil so that later it is easier to clean it with a vacuum cleaner.

Afterwards, you must use the pool vacuum cleaner to clean the walls and the floor as well. It can only be used for one hour a day, dragging it around the pool. Larger objects will not be able to pick them up, so for them you will have to use a mesh net before vacuuming.

This network, you must also use it routinely to keep the pool clean. It is necessary to pass it by the surface of the water every day to remove the possible leaves, branches or bugs that have been able to strain and to avoid that they lower to the bottom.

preparar piscina

Clean filter

Washing the filter is important to make sure that dirt and debris are removed. To clean it, you must let the water run in the opposite direction, you can do it changing the direction of the valve. To eliminate the waste depends on the filter that your pool uses, but you can find it in the manufacturer’s instructions.

This task does not need to be done too often since it could decrease the effectiveness of the filter. But you must empty your basket at least once a week to throw away all the debris that has accumulated inside, and then rinse it with a tap to remove the remains.

Water levels

Ideally, you have kept the pool full during the winter, but also the water evaporates naturally, especially now that the heat arrives. You must maintain the water level above the grid, the box through which the water enters, found in the side of the pool.

It is possible that this task you have to repeat again sometime in the summer season, since the level of water also depends on the use you give to the pool. If, for example, children are frequently bathed, the water level will probably drop since it is normal for them to play and throw water (and the older ones… almost the same as the children ;)).

Chemical balance: PH and Chlorine

One of the most important aspects that you can check frequently is the chemicals in the pool, both pH and chlorine. It should be done at least once a week and even more often if it is used a lot.

To know what is the acidity and alkalinity, the water is in the correct margins, you can use some pH measuring strips for the water, if the results are very high, it is easier that the water can contain the dangerous bacteria due to that you can prevent the chlorine from killing them, as well as corroding metals and filtering and cleaning systems.

Chlorine should also be controlled because it is a very aggressive chemical. Without it, the resistance of the bacteria in the water is greater and will multiply. Conversely, an excessive amount of chlorine can cause hair, swimsuits and even skin to be affected.

preparar piscina

Bringing the pool ready will take a little time, but we must understand that they do not take care of themselves and keep them alone, as well as how important it is to keep the water as clean as possible in order to enjoy it to the fullest, while enjoying a good condition of health. With these steps you can put your pool ready for summer as soon as possible and get the most out of it. Enjoy the summer!

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